Friday, December 4, 2009

Flashback to my pre-holiday event marathon...

Joy was a witch for a cupcake decorating event at a local ice cream parlor...but for Halloween she was Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Here's the story:

All year she was completely enthralled with Pocahantas and Mulan. She was going to be both for Halloween and she was going to have a Pocahantas and Mulan birthday party. (I am not sure how her mother was going to pull that off, but those were her plans for about 10 1/2 months.) Several weeks before Halloween she decided she wanted to be a witch, which was great with her mother because her mother had saved a witch costume from when she was 3 or 4 and it fit just right. However, a week or so later, Joy announced, "I'm going to be Mommy for Halloween." Her mother thought, "What the heck?" So she asked for clarification. Joy waltzed to the DVD drawer, pulled out Breakfast at Tiffany's and said, "See, I want to be Mommy--just like this." Now, her mother, not wanting to disappoint her by telling her that she is not really Audrey Hepburn (and rather appreciating the comment and wanting to perpetuate that idea for as long as she can!), came up with the costume you see Audrey Hepburn wearing in the opening scene of the movie: long black dress, choker, long black gloves, tiara, cigarette holder, and big, dark sunglasses. Most of the costume was made possible by Gigi, who still had vintage gloves, choker, and hemmed up the dress. (I am both technically challenged and seamstress-ly challenged!) She was the hit of the neighborhood! (She stayed in character for 2 hours of trick or treating... able to do so because of all of the time she spent studying the character in the movie--it is now on her top 10 list of favorites.)

Before you start composing an email telling me of the evils of allowing a 3/4 year old to watch TV/movies, just come live in my shoes for a day and you will probably change your mind. She is too smart for her mother's own good and her mother needs a 'talking time out' every once in a while.

Marlo was a flower fairy. She thoroughly enjoyed Halloween as well...not because she liked dressing up--because she didn't. And not because she liked the candy--because her mother only let her have one piece. And not because she particularly liked the other ghosts and monsters and princesses who were out and about. No, Marlo enjoyed the night because (1) she got to stay up past her bedtime, (2) she loves to be outside, especially after dark, and (3) she really thought she was flower fairy royalty, being pulled around the neighborhood in the wagon, waving at all of her admirers along the way.

Joy and Marlo's mother was a witch. (They will probably tell you she didn't have time to dress up.)

Joy just offered me a lick of her sticky lollipop. She still has a full bag of candy. The neighbors loved her costume so much they gave her extra candy. Her mother was thrilled.

(And here's a tip: If your Thanksgiving plans don’t come together, you can finish off the Halloween candy for dessert. See "Thanksgiving, oh, my stars!” for the full story.)

Posted by The Editor for Busy Body.

1 comment:

  1. Joy must have looked adorable....and what a compliment. I would be lapping up praise like that, xv.


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