Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekend of Bliss

St. Valentine's Day is one of those days...if it's good, it's really good and if it's not, it's horrible. I, for one, do not like to get flowers or go out to dinner in celebration of the day. Flower prices are inflated and the restaurants are crowded. I suppose a girl should be grateful to get either one and I am in no way trying to be hurtful to those that don't even have an option. I like holidays, really, I do. Except I like them as special days, not commercialized checklists of what is required in order to have a perfect one. I want them simple, so I can be fully present and appreciate the beauty and love that surrounds me. So this weekend, wherever you are, I wish for you, one small moment of bliss. I invite you to come back Monday and share it in the comments section here.

I already have had mine:

Samantha was trying to fall asleep tonight after a long, busy, rainy day.
Tossing and turning she asked,
"Where is daddy?"
I answered, "Sleeping."

"Where is Bubba?"
"Sleeping, shhh."

"Where is Stump?"
"Sleeping, shhh."

"Where is the sun?"

"Where? In the van?"
"In the van?"

"No," she says, "in the clouds."
And with that precious, beautiful thought, she fell asleep.

Posted by The Editor.

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